by jeremyjones2 | Feb 14, 2024 | Leadership
One of the most famous studies of decision making gone awry is a simulation run by MIT for decades. In the simulation, a retailer, warehouse, and brewery are tasked with submitting and filling orders when there’s an abrupt yet steady increase in demand for an obscure...
by jeremyjones2 | Nov 27, 2023 | Leadership
Expect to go backwards and you will go forward more quickly – a mindset to accelerate your growth and development. Imagine you have golfed using one grip for your entire life, and now you learn, after a lesson with a fancy golf pro, that to get to the next level you...
by jeremyjones2 | Oct 13, 2023 | Leadership
When it comes to improving our leadership skill, most of us go about creating and executing our performance plans and goals in secret. This turns out to be suboptimal because leadership is inherently social, and cannot be developed in isolation. Involving others in...
by jeremyjones2 | Nov 17, 2021 | Leadership
Performance management and compensation are challenging areas to get right. Many common practices seen in organizations either go against the research or have mixed research supporting them. On top of that, many companies are unsatisfied with their current system. Old...
by jeremyjones2 | May 3, 2021 | Leadership
One-on-ones are a key communication practice to establish a strong and productive working relationship. Here are some of the principles and topics we share with our clients. General Tips Hold regular one-on-ones with all direct reports (including key consultants)...